Delaying Your Lockout in California: Filing a Motion for Stay of Execution in Eviction Actions
In California, you may obtain a court order to delay your lockout date, which is called a stay of execution of judgment or a stay of...

Fixtures in Residential Leases
Fixtures A fixture is a tangible personal property (chattel) that is attached to real property in such a manner that it is treated as...

Remedies for Harms to Property
Encroachment onto Land A party's trespassory use and possession of another's land by virtue of the building structure or other object,...

Corporate Liability
A corporate entity is often favorable for various reasons including limited liability for corporate acts, with investor risk being...

Landlord Retaliation
California Civil Code § 1942.5 prevents a landlord from retaliatory eviction. In this way, it is unlawful for a landlord to increase...

CA Corporation v. LLC, What is the Difference?
A business entity may be formed in California by filing the applicable documents with the Secretary of State. To create a Corporation, an...

California Equitable Easements
Equitable easements are implied easements created in equity. They are decided according to the doctrine of relative hardships. This...

Totten Trusts
A Savings Account Trust (also called a ‘tentative trust’ or ‘Totten Trust’ named after the case In Re Totten, 71 N.E. 748 (N.Y. 1904)) is...

Charitable Trusts
Charitable Trusts For a trust to be considered charitable, it must have a stated charitable purpose and it must exist for the benefit of...

Setting Up a Limited Liability Partnership ("LLP")
Limited Liability Partnerships A limited liability partnership (“LLP”) is a partnership in which a partner’s personal liability for...